SC Compania de Utilitati Publice Dunarea SA Braila, has received a loan of EUR 8.8 million, from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (the “Bank”) [详细]
The Federal Government of Nigeria has applied for financing from the World Bank towards the cost of the Nigeria Irrigation and Water Resources Management Project, a [详细]
The Government of the Republic of Ghana has received a grant from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) of the World Bank acting as an im [详细]
展会简介 2016 法 国 国 际 包 装 工 业 展 (EMBALLAGE 2014)一.展会基本信息展 会 名 称:2016法国国际包装工业展 E..
展会简介 展会时间:2016年12月7-9日展会地点:Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, UAE主办单位:SIAL集团展会周期:..
新华网上海7月28日电(记者陆斌)作为实践上海世博会国际信息发展网馆主题的重要活动之一,"2010国际城市和谐发展与城市救援贸易博览会暨国际减灾 战略研讨会"28日在上海举行。本次大会由上海世博会国际信息发展网馆与联合国国际减灾署、联合国人居署... [详细]